An Capall Bán is an award instituted by TIARA, The Irish Ancestral Research Association, to honor those of its members who have served the association with outstanding dedication and who have contributed singularly to its mission. An capall bán translates from the Irish as the white horse. The white horse of Irish mythology is seen as something truly special, with great powers and the ability to cross between worlds. The image is one of beauty and strength, full of purpose and meaning.
We are descendants of the myth makers and our Irish ancestors who listened by the fireside to these tales recounted in Ireland’s native tongue. Members of TIARA hold a special place in their hearts for their ancestral homeland. With great purpose and meaning they strive to connect with a past hidden by time and circumstance.
Any TIARA member can nominate a member who has served TIARA with outstanding dedication for An Capall Bán Award. A committee will review the nominations which will ultimately be voted on by the TIARA Board and past recipients.