December 2023 Monthly Meeting- Mining Information from City Directories with Susan O’Connor- HYBRID
December 2023 Monthly Meeting- Mining Information from City Directories with Susan O’Connor- HYBRID
Register in advance for this meeting To attend in person: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=ugv9txbab&oeidk=a07ek48cltrdffce6d1 To attend via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEudeqgqD0iH9AY4WEvUNbCU6mCwxstBVjV Before phone books, many municipalities had City Directories which were comprehensive, annually-updated listings of adult residents, their addresses, occupation, spouse’s name and other helpful facts about these people and the “city” in which they lived. Initially intended for salesmen and merchants who wanted to contact people...